I'm not sure why I didn't appreciate Decembers reading as much as previous months. Keep praying and believing and loving and disciplining." Live beyond what you think is presently possible. "Faith is a willingness to sit in the tension of a place with no answers, while saying in our heart, “I will hold fast even when I don’t see or know or understand.” What walls do you face today that will require determination? Which walls ask for your acceptance? Which walls must be struggled against even though there appears to be no possible way of victory? By your God, you can leap over the walls you face."

"it is to the honor of a godly woman, in the presence of her family and friends, to mount the walls in her life with joy that comes from obedience with strength that comes from trusting God and with beauty that comes from choosing to believe in God’s goodness and light in the midst of darkness. "God showed me over many years that I am responsible for crafting a life in which I can last long-term with joy, so I can maintain the ideals I have established for myself.

Here are a few of my highlighted excepts: I didn't read it daily, choosing instead to read a few 'days' at a go. This devotional made for comforting reading during much of 2020. My children are young adults, yet I felt encouraged and challenged not only as their mum, but as a woman, a wife, a friend, a sister.

(The kindle version makes it easier for me to highlight and archive liked portions). I liked the printed book so much I purchased one for a friend partway through the year for her birthday, and a kindle version for myself. I'd read most of the book, partway through November's pages, and decided to go ahead and pen a review before I had absolutely finished the whole book, just encase others were thinking of purchasing it as gift for themself, or others, for Christmas and wanted a review from someone who has read more than a sample.